prestontoh's blog

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Reflection 3: Friendship

1. Did you enjoy the activities during our school International Friendship Day?

2. Which activities did you enjoy? Why?

3. What other activities can you suggest to be included in the International Friendship Day celebration next year?

4. What do you mean by 'friendship'?
5. Why do you think it is important to have friends?
6. How can you develop friendship with others?
7. Do you think it is important for Singaporeans to be friendly with people of other countries?Why?


I enjoyed all the activities during the International Friendship Day. I enjoyed being on stage, holding the flag because I could be watched by all the pupils. I suggest we could add games to t he celebration next year. I think friendship means being friends with pupils from other races.I think we must have friends if not we will be very lonely. I will develop my friendship by helping them, playing with them and teaching them. I think we must be friendly to friends from other countries as we are all human!



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